Cultivating Engagement: PCW Empowers Kenya Revenue Authority with Informative Agritech Content

Client: Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA)

Services: Content creation (blogs)

Field: Agriculture

Language: English

Challenge: Educate and engage Kenyan farmers with valuable information on digital marketing strategies and their integration into the agricultural sector.

Solution: PCW has been collaborating with KRA, leveraging our expertise in:

  • Content creation: Crafting informative and engaging blog articles.
  • Agriculture industry knowledge: Understanding the challenges and opportunities of the subject.
  • Digital marketing: Translating complex concepts into clear and actionable insights.

Sowing the Seeds of Knowledge:

  • Published articles in KRA’s online publications (Issues 008 & 009): Reaching a large audience.
  • Delivered clear, concise, and professional language: Ensured accessibility and understanding for all readers.

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